Strength & Conditioning

Mission Statment  

Our priority in the Southwestern University Strength and Conditioning program is to provide our student-athletes the means by which he or she can
develop a strong work ethic, discipline, attitude, and pride in one’s self and the total program.

Student-Athletes will train consistently, sensibly, and systematically by design. As coaches, we will provide our student-athletes state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, along with promoting a safe and professional environment. Our staff believes strength and conditioning is the key component to achieving a successful athletic career here at Southwestern University.  As coaches, we continue to evaluate, develop, research, and implement strategies to give our student-athletes the cutting edge to achieve optimal athletic performance.


Achieve the maximal level of sport performance of each student-athlete while decreasing the risk of athletic injuries through ground-based, three-dimensional, multi-joint exercises that are designed and administered by a certified, knowledgeable, and qualified strength and conditioning coach.

Training programs are designed to increase and athlete’s strength, speed, power, agility, flexibility, conditioning, and all important components in developing a highly-skilled collegiate athlete.

With the help of the Athletic Training staff to conduct a needs analysis of sport injuries as well as a needs analysis from sport coaches; provide training plans with periodization and exercise variations to challenge the athlete in each training session.

Athletes and Coaches will be challenged to bring an attitude of hard work, accountability, and total team effort to each training session so each athlete will improve both physically and mentally.


Key Objectives for the Southwestern University Strength & Conditioning Program:

  • Focus on the BASICS.
  • Train athletes with GROUND-BASED exercises.
  • Train athletes with THREE-DIMENSIONAL exercises.
  • Train athletes with MULTI-JOINT exercises.
  • Train for STRENGTH that will increase power and force-production.
  • Train for POWER – Power is the function of strength and speed.
  • Train ATTITUDE with team workouts.
  • SHORT, INTENSE, and ORGANIZED workouts.
  • Encourage the CHAMPION’S ATTITUDE.
  • BELIEVE you will win!

Seven Key Phases of the Southwestern University Strength & Conditioning Program:

  1. Evaluation / Testing – Observation of the current physical fitness level of our athletes.
  2. General Preparation – Preparing the athlete’s body to handle the workload of the next phase. (High Volume and Low Intensity.)
  3. Functional Strength – a.) Gains in physical qualities that will be transferred to sports movements. b.) Applying sufficient force at the right time at the required performance speed and in the correct direction. (High to Moderate Intensity and Moderate to Low Volume.)
  4. Power – Generate force at a high rate of speed in a specific time. (High Intensity and Moderate to Low Volume.)
  5. Force – Exertion of physical power.
  6. Sports Speed – How fast an athlete can get from A to C while avoiding B. (High Intensity and Low Volume.)
  7. Peak – Transforming all gains made in the previous phases into power and endurance needed to excel during the competitive season. (Very High Intensity and Very Low Volume.)